Technology, Media and Telecoms

The latest marketing best practice, trends, case studies and statistics on the technology, media and telecoms  sectors

Articles on tech, media and telecoms

China’s internet report shows growth in bite-size video and live commerce

In March, the China Internet Network Information Centre (or CNNIC) released the 53rd Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development Status: a comprehensive twice-yearly snapshot of digital life in China. Covering everything from device usage to China’s rural internet population, livestreaming growth to online ride-hailing, the report delves into the major trends shaping China’s internet landscape […]


14 examples of augmented reality brand experiences

Augmented reality has surged in the headlines of late with the release of Apple’s Vision Pro headset and Meta teasing a potential rollout of AR glasses as it marks the 10-year anniversary of its VR/AR outfit, Meta Reality Labs. If augmented reality headsets and eyewear become more commonplace, brands and entertainment companies may take the […]

The rise of Pinduoduo: How a group buying app grew to rival Alibaba

Even if you haven’t heard of Pinduoduo, a budget online marketplace that currently ranks among China’s top ecommerce platforms, you’ve probably heard of its overseas equivalent, Temu. Since its launch in the United States in September 2022, Temu has expanded aggressively into dozens of other markets, and made waves with its omnipresent marketing and advertising, […]

Internet Statistics Compendium: Technology, Media and Telecommunications

‌ A collection of the most recent statistics and market data on online marketing, ecommerce, the internet and related digital media, drawn from Econsultancy’s Internet Statistics Database. Aimed at marketers looking for benchmarking stats, evidence for use cases or persuasive figures for procuring investment.

Digital Shift on tech, media and telecoms