Social networks are now video networks

Social networks are used predominantly on mobile. Some stats have Facebook usage as around 80% mobile.

Additionally, a lot of successful content on Facebook is now rich media. It’s given greater weighting in the Facebook feed and the success of a campaign such as the icebucket challenge can only be down to mobile use, both for upload of videos and consumption via Facebook and other social networks.

Premium short video content is being produced by many publishers

Prominent examples include Vice, Makr Studio and Huffpo.

In 2013, 53% of mobile traffic was video.

Consumer generated video is big

TheCHIVE is one example. A lot of the content is user generated video and this is mostly made on and uploaded from a mobile.

  • 60% of the publisher’s traffic is on mobile.
  • The Chive’s Android and iOS apps have garnered 250,000 user reviews.
  • 15m visits per month. 85m page views per month.

As the content can be fairly racy (it’s a sort-of lad’s mag online), the mobile seems to the place that the majority of users are comfortable consuming it. And making it of course.

Here’s an example of a brand partnership with the platform:


Philips uses video internally to great effect

Employee generated video is massive for Philips. Again, it’s made possible by the smartphone.

With 120,000 employees in 60 countries, Philips is using video to bring together the company.  Information sharing and education happens internally through a large video platform.

The 20,000 videos created internally (known as the ‘BlueTube’) dwarf the 5,000 published externally on YouTube.

Employees, though, are also becoming the advocates for products and are instrumental in their marketing. As spokespeople these employees are incredibly powerful and can inspire trust through video. An internal competition called Brand Jam helped to foster this sort of content.

You can see a video about the project by clicking through the image below.


So, short and sweet, but a couple of compelling examples of how marketing is being transformed by the smartphone and video.