Here’s Snoop on Google Plizzle, embedded, so you don’t have to open another tabizzle.

And we’ve used it on the Econsultancy G+ page (do go and add us) to share some content today from HBR. 


Easy to post

It’s only a small update, but posting on G+ continues to be a slick user experience, and a whole host of content can be added now with a URL, and very quickly display in post. The platform is still easy to navigate, having resisting the complication that Facebook eventually gave in to.

It’s also refreshing to see a platform that isn’t covered in ads, like Facebook is (Kelvin Newman explains).

Google+ might take hold

After its last big update, I wrote this rather baiting post, perhaps wildly claiming that G+ is nailed on for success. While there may be quite a lot up in the air, there are some good reasons for predicted supremacy of G+.

Here they are:

  • The network strikes a good balance between privacy and a public face. It feels more public than both Facebook and Twitter, which helps its tie in with search results, and perhaps protects users from over-sharing.
  • The navigation is simple.
  • Hangouts is a sophisticated tool and adds value.
  • The account is tied in with every Google account (significantly Gmail and YouTube).
  • The photo features and storage are now fairly sophisticated.
  • The network hasn’t been covered in ads.
  • G+ is increasingly used for verifying authorship.

Let us know if you’re slowly coming round to G+, or think it’s too late in the game.